Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Utter Yardwork!

"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. 
 To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul." - Alfred Austin.

There is nothing quite like the exhilaration of pure exhaustion after working in the yard all day.
That bone-tired feeling yet the mind is awake.  I have spent LITERALLY all day outside, working mostly in the yard.
This morning I dug a bush up for my parents, then transplanted said bush.  Then lugged 200 lbs of dirt to their bag yard and distributed the dirt. All of this before breakfast, but not before coffee.... I'm not that crazy.

Then onward to my house to clear out a not so useful garden spot (too much shade and water) and then off to Lowe's, for a second time, and once again loading down my car.

Fast forward to 630 pm.  Garden is finally 90% complete. Paving stones down, fountain built and running, flowers and veggies planted (with the exception of loofah, watermelon, cucumber or zucchini).

Son is thoroughly exercised with helping me garden, and not to mention dirty.  So the best thing in the world?  Turn on the sprinkler and let him run through in his underwear.  Although, he did ask if he could take those off.... but we live on a corner lot, with quite a bit of traffic, so I said no to nudity.

Ahh... the pleasure of running through an icy cold sprinkler on a 85 degree day.  Usually you have to wait until June or July for such a thing, but not this year.... Early May.

Who needs a gym when you can get a work out at home doing gardening chores?  I must have moved over 600 lbs of various items today. Between the dirt, paving stones, and a porch fountain.

I'll post pictures tomorrow as I'm too exhausted to work with them now.

Needless to say, I have a very relaxing back yard right now. :)

"If you want to find yourself, go outside and look in nature." - Jenny Beaver :)

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