Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Life is an adventure!

Happy Wednesday!

Adventure: An exciting or unusual experience. A bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome.

Adventures are what every person at some point has yearned for, in one form or another.   Sometimes grand, sometimes quiet.  For proof of this, look to the movie industry, or books.  We crave the excitement, the drama, the uncertainty- yet from a safe distance. 

Well, you can turn any moment into an adventure.  Tonight we had various (and wonderful) thunderstorms with torrential downpours.  On our way to one of our busy Wednesday night activities (cub scouts)  my son and I got caught in a downpour.  We were safely in the car, but needed to get into the nearby building.  No umbrella, with a second row parking spot, so a fair distance to sprint.

Needless to say we looked like half - drowned rats by the time we got in the door.   But it was an exciting sprint, a bold dash from the car through the chilly spring Ohio rain.  Not to mention FUN!

So my challenge to everyone, is turn something, just one thing every day, into a tiny adventure.  Get that heart rate up.  Get the positive energy flowing and feel the excitement. But don't just do it, feel it.

This is a new challenge I'm presenting to myself.  I LOVE quotes.  So today I opened a quote book, selected one at random, and am writing to fit the quote. And yes, I took the picture and edited the quote in myself.  If anyone has a quote they'd like to share, please leave a comment.  :)

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