Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sometimes you just need a nap.

one tired mama

Naps... the scourge of every child... the blessed quiet to every parent.   We outgrow taking them on a routine basis, but sometimes you need to just go for it and take one!


Well, for one there are health benefits:
*  If you are fighting off some disease like a cold, it can help fight it off.
*  If you have a task at hand, a nap can give you a fresh perspective, and a clear head for moving forward.
*  Naps relax you and reduce fatigue.  Everyone needs stress relief in their life!

The downside is sometimes you wake up groggy, or you can't sleep later that night.  So a shorter nap is better than the longer ones.

So if you feel like a nap, go for it..... but try to keep it under a half an hour (if you can)  if you have more time.. .go for it.

We get so busy in our lives, sometimes we need to slow down and just rest.

It can only help you (as long as you're not sleeping at work ;)  )

some can nap anywhere!

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