Friday, May 16, 2014

Foodie Friday: Fresh Bread

I love fresh bread.  Who doesn't?  The smell permeating through out the house, the warmth of the oven on a chilly day.  The only problem with making bread is usually the recipes call for making large amounts.  When its just me and my son, I don't need so much.  So here is a recipe I call....

Bread for One ( or 2  )  its really just enough bread for one or two people to eat with dinner.

*  1 packet yeast
*  1 cup warm water ( you will divide this in half)
*  1 Tablespoon Oil ( I prefer olive oil)
*  1 Tablespoon sugar
*  1 1/4 teaspoon salt
*  2 cups flour (plus extra for dusting)

Dissolve the 1 packet of yeast into 1/2 cup of warm water, and let it sit for 10 minutes.  While that sits, go ahead and mix together the sugar, salt, flour, oil and the other 1/2 cup of warm water in a large bowl.  Add the yeast mixture into the bowl and mix well until a sticky dough forms.

Place the dough onto a lightly floured surface.  TIP:  use a soft cotton towel to put the flour on.  It creates a no stick surface that is easier to work with. 

Knead the dough until the dough is no longer sticky, and its well formed. (firmer and more elastic).

Then place the dough into a greased loaf pan and let it rise for about 30 minutes.   TIP: Line the loaf pan with aluminum foil for easy removal of the bread. 

Then bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. I started checking it at around 30 minutes and kept checking until it reached a shade of toasty brown that I wanted.
TIP: To help out the browning process I added a touch of butter to the top... just a gentle coating.

Another tip is use your nose!  You can smell the bread as it bakes, if it starts to smell like bread then start checking it before it burns!

And VOILA!  Toasty yummy bread with dinner tonight! It really isn't that hard and doesn't take that long ( I was able to fold some laundry and watch some TV while it was rising).

Just melt a little butter and add some honey, stir well and let re-set and wonderful honey-butter to serve on the bread. :)  A favorite of my son!

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