Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The simple joys

Tonight when my son stepped off the bus, his first words were "Let's go on a walk".  How could I refuse such a healthy request.  So, being a beautiful day we headed out to the nearest park.
Of course with a backpack stocked with waters and strawberries.

Dishes left undone, dusting - well I never dust, I hate it.

But chores left undone so we could enjoy quality time together.  Really when it comes down to it, when we're 80+ do you wish you had more time to do dishes or spend with those you love.

Even though we were busy with soccer, and fitting in dinner.... its still worth getting in some play time.

Sometimes we busy adults need to remember this, and not be so serious all the time.

Even a trip to the park can be educational though.  There was a spider on my water bottle that was quickly shooshed off.  But it unfortunately fell into the web of another spider-although smaller.  The small spider was 1/10 or smaller of the larger spider's size, yet we kept wondering who would win.
Spider Battle Supreme

But - BEHOLD- the smaller spider won! It immobilized the larger spider and then began its work! Brains over brawn!

Spider battles are definitely better than doing housework on a beautiful spring day!

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