Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Video Gaming problem? Beat it with Nature.

This past Christmas, my son got Skylander's swap force.  It was his first true video game just for him.
I, having been a gamer myself, thought it was okay to finally introduce him to it.  But already I'm beginning to have a problem.  Anytime he has a few minutes free, he's asking if he can play his video game.  Rather than spend quality time with a family member, he'd want to play a video game.

So I've decided to give him a break from them this week. Absolutely NO video games.  And when we pick it back up he'll be limited to 1 hour of total screen time per day (unless we watch 1 movie that's longer than 1 hour).  And to substitute we'll be doing more outside activities.... to prove to him there is life beyond the TV screen.  I will be participating in this restriction as well. No video games, on my phone. So the phone gets set aside except for phone calls.  It's only fair.

looking good

To kick this off, we went on a bike ride today.

It was a fabulously sunny afternoon.  I started off with a lesson about tire pressure and how its important to check your bike before a ride.  We got the helmet on, practiced getting up to speed and braking, then headed out.

The route I had mapped through the neighborhood turned out to be about 3.3 miles with a stop at Ritter's Frozen Custard at the middle. :)  Just a little extra incentive .

watermelon Italian ice - with a cherry on top

We've gone for small rides in the past, but nothing more than a few blocks.  It was time to get serious about teaching him to ride, and maybe this summer be without training wheels.

He had a few spills, nothing serious, didn't even scratch any skin. My workout came when we came to the hills.  (I haven't had to go to the gym lately with my workouts at home!)

Overall, a fantastic afternoon spending time outside, getting exercise.  I was relieved that the rest of the evening he didn't mention wanting to play the video game once.  :)  Ah yes there is life beyond the tv.


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