Monday, April 14, 2014

Bread and other tasks

I am so remiss.  I was so busy with motorcycle class last week (and exhausted from it), that I didn't post as much that I wanted.  By the way, I passed my test and got my motorcycle endorsement :)  now I just need to get a bike!

Me on a Honda Rebel in class.
So this week I'm determined to complete a couple tasks:
1)  Make some bread (actually just added this to my list because I feel like it)
2)  Finish cleaning my living room and dining room  - I'm such a clutterbug. 
3)  Write a blog post every day this week 
4)  Spend 30 minutes each day this week working on one of my books (either writing or illustrating)
5)  Set up my desk.
6)  Edit some photos (I have over 1000 photos I really need to edit and get through)

So why am I writing all these down?  To hold me accountable to you the reader. 

Having someone to answer to, a friend, a relative, an anonymous reader....  motivates you to act, and to work on it. 

Today: I've started cleaning, blogging, and making bread.

I've found myself wanting rolls and bread at random moments this last month or so.  So now I'm taking action to have it on hand.  (Pre-made dough, frozen and saved for baking later :D - at a fraction of the cost of the supermarket pre-made dough and rolls.)

Whole wheat bread - This is an adaptation of a recipe that I found in "Where's Mom now that I need her" - a fantastic cookbook that I've had since I was out of college. 
3/4 cup sugar
2 yeast packets
3 cups warm water
1/3 cup cooking oil (I used olive oil)
1 egg, beaten
3 teaspoon salt
8 Cups flour ( I used ~ 6.5-7 cups flour - mostly whole wheat, with a little normal flour since I ran out)

Combine sugar, warm water, and yeast in a large mixing bowl; let stand 10 minutes.  Combine cooking oil and egg and add to yeast mixture.  Stir in salt and 3 cups of flour; mix well.  Stir in additional 3 cups of flour; mix well.  Add enough of the remaining flour to make a soft, sticky dough.
Cover the bowl and allow the dough to rise until double. Punch down and turn dough over in the bowl, and allow to rise until double again.  

-I strayed from the recipe at this point as I have plans for the bread to be rolls, and bread sticks, and general bread that I'll
store in the freezer.  If you wish you can put into greased loaf pans and allow to double... I'll be separating into rolls and balls of dough.

Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes, or until lightly browned.  (If working in smaller portions like I am, I would set the timer at 10 minutes and check every 5 minutes after that until browned).


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