Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day Planner: My key to success.

"Sooner or later we all quote our mothers." - Bern Williams

The success of a Busy Beaver Mom, comes down to a simple book,  my "Mom's Family Desk Planner".

I'm greatly disorganized.  I try to improve, but I blame my artistic mind that makes it so impossible. :)

So that's what makes the family desk planner so wonderful.. it merges art with functionality.   I swear if I didn't have this I would forget all the soccer games, cub scout meetings and parent-teacher meetings.

Its amusing artwork from Sandra Boynton tickles the funny bone, its got 2 sides to every weekday planning... 1 for the family and 1 just for Mom.

So lots of room to write yourself notes.

And its got STICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love stickers.  They make everything more fun.

There are several sections... one for weekly planning, one for useful numbers and notes... other pages for doodles. :)

I love this book so much I've gotten one each year since my son was 2.  Its big enough that I don't have to write in a microscopic font size, yet small enough to fit inside my mommy purse.  You know, the purse that is part cargo bag to make sure you have everything you could possibly need since you don't carry around a diaper bag anymore (or carry as a supplement to the diaper bag).

It also has pockets to hold notes and reminders.

But my favorite all time feature is the tear away to do list, with reversible grocery list (note the obligatory chocolate entry!!!!)

I use these lists on almost a daily basis. They are almost more important to me than the actual calendar....

I recommend this planner for ANY mom!  So useful! (BTW I'm not getting paid for recommending it, I just love it that much!)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Video Gaming problem? Beat it with Nature.

This past Christmas, my son got Skylander's swap force.  It was his first true video game just for him.
I, having been a gamer myself, thought it was okay to finally introduce him to it.  But already I'm beginning to have a problem.  Anytime he has a few minutes free, he's asking if he can play his video game.  Rather than spend quality time with a family member, he'd want to play a video game.

So I've decided to give him a break from them this week. Absolutely NO video games.  And when we pick it back up he'll be limited to 1 hour of total screen time per day (unless we watch 1 movie that's longer than 1 hour).  And to substitute we'll be doing more outside activities.... to prove to him there is life beyond the TV screen.  I will be participating in this restriction as well. No video games, on my phone. So the phone gets set aside except for phone calls.  It's only fair.

looking good

To kick this off, we went on a bike ride today.

It was a fabulously sunny afternoon.  I started off with a lesson about tire pressure and how its important to check your bike before a ride.  We got the helmet on, practiced getting up to speed and braking, then headed out.

The route I had mapped through the neighborhood turned out to be about 3.3 miles with a stop at Ritter's Frozen Custard at the middle. :)  Just a little extra incentive .

watermelon Italian ice - with a cherry on top

We've gone for small rides in the past, but nothing more than a few blocks.  It was time to get serious about teaching him to ride, and maybe this summer be without training wheels.

He had a few spills, nothing serious, didn't even scratch any skin. My workout came when we came to the hills.  (I haven't had to go to the gym lately with my workouts at home!)

Overall, a fantastic afternoon spending time outside, getting exercise.  I was relieved that the rest of the evening he didn't mention wanting to play the video game once.  :)  Ah yes there is life beyond the tv.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend break from cleaning.

How can I clean on a day like today?  That's what I was thinking this weekend.  Some things are just more important than cleaning.... like getting outside and enjoying life on a beautiful spring day.

So Saturday I worked on my garden:
my little man working hard
 Getting the soil turned over, planting some flowers, herbs and a few vegetables to get started.

Quite an enjoyable sunny day.

Then Sunny Sunday I went for a hike:

a Beaver dam :)
 I can't seem to go on a hike anymore with out my camera... or if I do, then I wish I had my camera with me.

I went to a local wetland/wildlife reserve.  I've actually never really explored there before since it has boardwalks and I usually want something more challenging for hiking. But since I was still recuperating from my garden workout the day before, I was okay with a light hike.

What I found was pleasantly unexpected.

“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” 
― Henry David ThoreauWalden: Or, Life in the Woods

hello little bug
So early in the spring, finding tons of wildlife.

Little bugs posing on top of beautiful marsh flowers.

Jittery, jumping frogs sunning themselves, only to be frightened by my presence and swimming away.
shhhhhh you can't see me!

And unfortunately..... tons of ticks. Tick season is here early this year.

ugh.... they give me the heebie jeebies

Happy Spring!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Cleaning - Day 3

Feeling a bit better today, so I got back to cleaning.

Helps to slow down the cleaning.

Now some of you may be wondering, "What's taking so long? How can it be that hard to clean a house?"  Well, I'm a notorious slow cleaner for one.  I always tend to have a movie on in the background. Although I find I do clean faster with just music.
In fact, I have a iPod playlist called "cleaning", filled with fast paced, up-beat music to get me moving and cleaning!.

But this time around, since I have the time, I'm doing a thorough go through cleaning.  I'm going through long lost boxes and bins and putting them either away, in a donation pile or in the trash.
All this while the spot bot is running and cleaning my carpet.

Maybe I need to add some techno lasers to my music.
 So my main focus the last couple days have been living room and my bedroom.  Since those are the worst offenders at collecting junk.  Oh boy, do I have junk. I'm a self-proclaimed pack rat.

This is why I'm trying to minimize.  Less stuff in, less stuff to pile up. And less stuff to clean around.

So cleaning tip for today, do it to the music.  Fast paced music gets you moving and your heart pumping.  Heart pumping = good cardio work out!

Hopefully after this is all done I'll take magazine worthy pictures and post them.  Then get back to a normal schedule of recipes on Friday. :)

Have a great and busy weekend!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

CSA Today - 4/24

Before starting this blog, I did lots of research.  On how to blog and how to be successful.  And I'm trying my hardest.  I'm trying to get into the routine of writing everyday, no matter what.  Today was especially hard when I'm sick.  Mom's don't get a day off, but I did manage to sink into my couch for most of the day, while my son was at school... reserving my energy for later.

Being Thursday, my CSA was delivered!  In it was a newsletter describing the current growing conditions and the effects on my delivery.

The recent snow storm impacted some freshly planted crops, so once again my delivery was mostly made up of wholesale organic food.

This week's list:

Mustard Greens


I'm still swimming in potatoes and lettuce from last week.  I need to re-organize my kitchen so I can make the most of these veggies before they go bad.  Of course freezing the herbs is the best way to go.

I'm excited to use the mustard greens.  Since I'm sick, I think tomorrow I'll use some chicken broth and add the mustard greens as noodles.  :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring Cleaning - Day 2

Well the good news is I wasn't sore like I thought I would be after moving the dirt and furniture.
So today's workout included lots of bending over and picking up things off the floor, then hanging them up.  More stairs and laundry, then some soccer practice running.

It's slow going.  I'm someone who expands a mess to better clean the mess.

The closet is still a work in progress. I would put a before photo on here, if I wasn't so embarrassed/disgusted by it.  So I'll just settle for an after picture. 

On the other hand, my goodwill pile is growing exponentially :)  

To make myself feel like I was getting stuff done, I quickly cleaned up the bathroom.  Instant gratification.  I do have  a deadline in mind.... I'd like to get all of this done before my best friend comes into town next month. 

Now part of this cleaning, includes an area used to hold my litter boxes.  There have been some accidents that have stained the carpet.  I really do not want to get into trouble with my land lady, so I'm furiously trying to make the best of the area.  I've created a litter box - box out of an ikea cabinet and shower curtain.  

As you can see, 1 cabinet (no doors) shower curtain lining (spray adhesive to keep it in place), and a lack table top to separate the litter boxes.  I have very finicky cats, 1 use of the litter box and they snub it, so I've upped the ante and put a trashcan next to it to clean as I go.

The point of this is a beginning review of the Bissell Spot Bot.  So far, I love it!  It sits there and does the work for you.  Once I finish the area I'll finish the review - as to whether its taken out some serious set in cat urine stains.   But its definitely trying its hardest.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day.
I like to think every day is Earth Day, but I do appreciate the extra attention drawn to it today.
And to celebrate, I'm working on my spring cleaning this week.


Even though this morning I felt like this......
My dog Magi, just chillin'
I did sleep in a bit, but then got up and spent the whole day cleaning the upstairs.  I counted this towards my working out goal for today.  I managed to get an elevated heart rate of cardio going, and stair-mastering in as well, with repeated trips up and down my stairs for laundry.  I did some weight lifting as I carried some furniture upstairs, and moved 400 lbs of dirt/manure from the driveway to the back yard. (~20 feet x 40lbs x 10 bags).  I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Now, I've written before about how I'm trying to minimize my household, and I started with my closet.  I have already reduced it by half.  As I was going through my closet I was disgusted at how much I still have, and need to reduce.   So I'm going to get all laundry done, every piece of clothing present, and if it doesn't fit in the closet or dresser, it will be gone.  I must fit into this closet. 

My son's clothing inventory will be easier, as it is the changing of the seasons and he has outgrown some items.  So the purging of his old clothes and putting away the new will be much simpler than my wardrobe. 

A minimized household is better for the earth, it reduces the consumerism, packaging and is just easier to deal with all around.  Not to mention its easier to keep clean!
Don't forget to smell the tulips!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Motivation

Ahhhh Spring, now that the fleeting snow is gone and warm temperatures are here, I'm getting more and more motivated.

So today I got busy, I went to the store and got potting mix, manure and a few other supplies to start my garden.  Not all the dirt is moved yet, I'll finish that task tomorrow.  Moving 600 lbs of dirt is a large task to take by yourself.

I got a few plants as well, sweet mint, catnip, lemon balm, and some butterfly and hummingbird flower seeds.

Almost 80 yesterday, a whole lot of difference from Tuesday to Sunday!

Another motivation today was to start seriously working out. I stopped by the local gym and ran on their treadmill for a bit, did some machines and then ran a cool down 1/2 mile.   Nothing too extraneous as I haven't been to a gym in 7 years.  Just a light workout, just enough to break a sweat.  My goal is to get cardio healthier, get some endurance (so I can keep up with my son)  and be less of a couch potato.

To prove my motivation I took measurements, which I will share, and will keep updated on here :)

At least I'm not crazy enough to do pics :) (at least not yet )

Biceps = 14 inches
Thighs = 20 inches
Waist = 34 inches
Hips = 37 inches

I'm not too much overweight, I'm just out of shape.  I posted this on facebook earlier today, its from Positive Outlooks.

Photo: Join our community:

Here's to making some progress!  In both my garden and my personal life! Happy Spring!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Egg Time!

Happy Easter all!

Today I spent some time dying Easter Eggs, for my son and nephew to find on Sunday.

The boys were supposed to be doing them, but Grandma and I did most of them while the boys were sword fighting each other. :)

Although, after an overturned cup of green dye, we needed to supplement the cups to finish the eggs.

Food coloring worked so well in place of the pale pastels, and one sided neon pinks, that next year we plan on making all the colors with it, rather than buying a pack. The colors were richer, more true.

We might even go with the old standby of boiling some onion skins for yellow, and figure out other options for natural dyes.  I'm all for that!

Finished the eggs and still had time to stop and smell the tulips.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

CSA Today! 4-17

Ahhhh Thursday. So much to be excited for.
A day closer to the weekend, and closer to the best day of the week... Friday!

And of course the day that my CSA delivery is!

checking out the veggies!

In this week's box:
Sweet Potatoes
Grape Tomatoes
Green Garlic
Red, Yellow and Green Bell Peppers

While a lot of it is still imported wholesale and organic, I can't wait until the growing season is full swing and I get truly fresh stuff!

The lettuce, chives, and green garlic are from the green houses.  Last week, I chopped up and froze the green garlic for future use.  I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with all the green peppers.  I like green peppers but I have 6 of them.  How to use them up before they go bad.  Hmmmm I'm going to have to be inventive :)

It is so convenient having these veggies delivered to my door each week.  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Make your own Instant Oatmeal instead of packets!

My son loves oatmeal.  (Cinnamon and Apples to be precise)
As a growing boy, however, he goes through the packets very quickly.  That adds up to $$$$$$.

To save money, and trips to the grocery store to buy more boxes of oatmeal, I found quick oats at my local bulk supplier.  I've mentioned before how much I love my local bulk store - where I get quick oats, sugar, flour, dried herbs and spices at unbelievable prices.  In case you don't know of a local bulk store near you, I've found this supplier online.

So I fill my jar with quick oats and add cinnamon and sugar until it looks lightly coated.

I happen to keep a jar of just cinnamon and sugar mixed for when I want to make toast.
I take several Tablespoons of this mix (maybe 10 or more- depends on how much oatmeal you have in the jar.) and add it to the oatmeal.

Then first thing in the morning I've been taking a packet of apples and cinnamon oatmeal, add 3-4 teaspoons of my oatmeal mix and boom. I've got enough to keep a hungry 6 yr old boy happy, without going through my boxes of oatmeal twice as fast.

For $2.00, I get ALOT of Quick Oats!

My next goal is to find suitable dried apples to add to this mix so I can stop buying the store packets all together.  Not only will I save money (bulk oatmeal is unbelievably cheaper than the equivalent in packets), but I'll save on the waste I produce from throwing away the packets.

Hmmmmm maybe I'll dry some apples myself! (But that's for another post!)

As you can see I add a cinnamon stick for extra flavor, and cuz it looks cool!

Quick and yummy oatmeal.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mid Spring Snow Storm?

Happy Tax Day! 4/15/14

I had originally planned a different blog for today, but then I awoke to an inch of snow on the ground. When just 2 days ago it was 80 degrees!

So I took this chance and jumped to get pictures of the new flowers in the snow.

There's something about snow on the new vibrant, emergent green of spring.  Its different than when snow falls on the last fading colors of green in the fall.

It was fascinating as I drove around town. It was surreal.  The snow looked more like someone went crazy with a fire extinguisher.  The snow looked like it didn't belong.

So of course, a quick trip to the local park to gather gorgeous photos I might add :D

That's snow, not cotton

So I guess the point of today's post is to show off my photos for one.... :)  and sometimes you need to take advantage of opportunities.  If you love to do something, and you have the chance to go and do it.  You never know when the opportunity will be over. 

Hope the pictures inspire you!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bread and other tasks

I am so remiss.  I was so busy with motorcycle class last week (and exhausted from it), that I didn't post as much that I wanted.  By the way, I passed my test and got my motorcycle endorsement :)  now I just need to get a bike!

Me on a Honda Rebel in class.
So this week I'm determined to complete a couple tasks:
1)  Make some bread (actually just added this to my list because I feel like it)
2)  Finish cleaning my living room and dining room  - I'm such a clutterbug. 
3)  Write a blog post every day this week 
4)  Spend 30 minutes each day this week working on one of my books (either writing or illustrating)
5)  Set up my desk.
6)  Edit some photos (I have over 1000 photos I really need to edit and get through)

So why am I writing all these down?  To hold me accountable to you the reader. 

Having someone to answer to, a friend, a relative, an anonymous reader....  motivates you to act, and to work on it. 

Today: I've started cleaning, blogging, and making bread.

I've found myself wanting rolls and bread at random moments this last month or so.  So now I'm taking action to have it on hand.  (Pre-made dough, frozen and saved for baking later :D - at a fraction of the cost of the supermarket pre-made dough and rolls.)

Whole wheat bread - This is an adaptation of a recipe that I found in "Where's Mom now that I need her" - a fantastic cookbook that I've had since I was out of college. 
3/4 cup sugar
2 yeast packets
3 cups warm water
1/3 cup cooking oil (I used olive oil)
1 egg, beaten
3 teaspoon salt
8 Cups flour ( I used ~ 6.5-7 cups flour - mostly whole wheat, with a little normal flour since I ran out)

Combine sugar, warm water, and yeast in a large mixing bowl; let stand 10 minutes.  Combine cooking oil and egg and add to yeast mixture.  Stir in salt and 3 cups of flour; mix well.  Stir in additional 3 cups of flour; mix well.  Add enough of the remaining flour to make a soft, sticky dough.
Cover the bowl and allow the dough to rise until double. Punch down and turn dough over in the bowl, and allow to rise until double again.  

-I strayed from the recipe at this point as I have plans for the bread to be rolls, and bread sticks, and general bread that I'll
store in the freezer.  If you wish you can put into greased loaf pans and allow to double... I'll be separating into rolls and balls of dough.

Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes, or until lightly browned.  (If working in smaller portions like I am, I would set the timer at 10 minutes and check every 5 minutes after that until browned).


Friday, April 11, 2014

New spot for the blog!

Just a head's up, if you've been missing my blog posts, you will find them at

I've set up my own page and am working hard at getting it up and running.

But I've decided to give a try to blogging on both sites to cover the bridge.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Crater of Diamonds State Park

Last week was spring break.  So I took my son to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas.

As I was trying to do this on the cheap we camped. The park was full, so we camped at Murfreesboro RV Park.  I'll do a more in-depth review of where we camped, but one note.... Don't go anywhere else. Definitely camp there!

So just a review of the Park.

In a few words:  Mud, Mud, Mud and more Mud.
Its best to look for diamonds after a recent rain, but that invites boot swallowing mud.

Starting out!

It was a foggy morning.  Nice and muddy.

The field is huge.  37.5 Acres of plowed dirt. Which after rain turns into mud and clay.

Several people have buckets lined up to process for diamonds.

Pardon the pun, but its like looking for a needle in a haystack... or finding the diamond in the rough. :)

Here is one of the few wash stations to sift the gravel from the mud.  In that gravel is diamonds (and quartz, garnets, spinelles, etc.)

 One tip I got was look for gravel. Since diamonds are heavy rocks that's where you'll find them.

Overall its a fun experience.  But in the future, I think I'll only spend 1/2 a day there.  About mid-day right after lunch, my son started to get bored.  I think it would have been more exciting if we had found a diamond.
Food Cart on site.

The weather was wonderful for end of March.  It was mid 60's into 70's.  The sun peeked out a little in the afternoon.

Another reason I would only go 1/2 a day, is because it was just myself and my son.  So who ended up carrying most of the equipment and 5 gallon bucket full of rocks and dirt?  That's right... ME.
Aiden sifting gravel, looking for diamonds.

This rain gear picture was taken in the same day as the rest.

Pretty much spent the entire day, looking for gravel, sifting gravel, finding big pretty jasper rocks, finding some quartz, and pulling our stuck boots out of mud.

There is a wash station near the entrance to wash off your boots and gear.  It gets very crowded near closing time and when a rain shower moves through and everyone is running off the field.

He was determined to have this picture next to the diamond.

We didn't find any, but it was still a fun, learning experience.

If you want a better chance at finding a diamond, stay at Murfreesboro RV Park.  They offer lessons in how to better detect diamonds.

This is info that really isn't offered anywhere else.

Be prepared for hard work.. lots of stooping, bending, carrying heavy buckets of dirt, mud, clay, and rocks.

I used buckets to sit on, until I had a suitable amount of gravel.

They allow you to take a 5 gallon bucket of washed gravel out of the park... I could barely manage 1/2 a bucket by myself.

BTW: Why would you leave with gravel? You can sift it later and look more closely.