Thursday, June 26, 2014

CSA Today! 6-26-14

Whew.  It's been another busy week here in the Beaver household.  We only had 2 weeks to get ready for a garage sale.  Today was the big opening day!

Needless to say, I'm exhausted.  But even though I've fallen behind in posting this week due to garage sale prep... I still want to make sure I update on what I received this week. 


Fresh from the farm:  cucumbers, carrots, dill, cabbage, green onion, green garlic, kale, kohlrabi, sugar snap peas, zucchini, squash

Wholesale organic:  apricots, strawberries, broccoli 

I even had extra zucchini on top of my box.  I guess its a good thing I love zucchini and squash.  So many carrots..... guess its time for carrot soup :)

and I can't way to make cabbage soup!  Maybe first thing Sunday, after this garage sale is all over with.

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