Thursday, June 12, 2014

CSA Today! 6-12-14

Happy Thursday! One day closer to the weekend

It's been a busy full first week of summer break.  Another wonderful CSA delivery from Fulton Farms!

From the farm: Kale (2 bunches),  green onions, green garlic, parsley, dill, kohlrabi

From wholesale (to fill the box): blueberries, leek (one huge one cut in half so it would fit in the box), cucumbers, red cabbage, tomatoes 

Sigh.... yes, more kale!  I've only recently started to like kale (the last 2-3 years or so), so I'm still new to it, and can only imagine so many ways to cook it.

I guess more salads are in my future. :)  Then there's the kohlrabi.... no idea how to cook that. Guess there's some research to do.

Of course the wholesale is only until the growing season is in full swing, and there's more to put into the box.  I'm loving the organic produce that comes though. It lasts so much longer than the grocery store items.

I also see more jelly making in my future.... my strawberries are going to go bad otherwise. Hmmmm strawberry/blueberry jam... sounds wonderful.

Tonight was a clean out the fridge dinner night.  I've got so many bell peppers, I'm drowning in them.  So tonight I used 7 of them in a soup.  Yes, 7.  I had throw the other 3 into the compost pile (with some cucumbers that didn't get used as well).

It certainly is challenging to come up with inventive ways to use all the veggies that I get before they go bad.  Of course soup is always an easy option.

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