Thursday, June 19, 2014

CSA Today! 6-19-14

Well another fantastic CSA delivery today.

I was very pleased to see some asparagus in this delivery! I can't wait to eat it up! (It's behind the carrots in the picture.)

From the Farm:  Leeks, green garlic, kohlrabi, carrots, sugar snap peas, cabbage, broccoli and kale!

From wholesale: apples, bananas

I shouldn't really complain with how much kale I've been getting.  It will soon be gone with the summer heat moving in.  Then I will miss it.

I'm very happy to see the cabbage though.  I recently ate up the last of my frozen cabbage soup.  And I was wanting to make some more.

Out of our garden this week, we pulled the last of the radishes.  Its been so hot, that they were going to seed.  Most were stunted in growth, but we managed a few good ones.  They were added to the cabbage soup before dinner.

I'm anxious to try kohlrabi.  I've never cooked with it before, so this will be an experiment.

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