Tuesday, June 3, 2014

First harvest from the garden!

I've posted in the past about my small little garden.  With food prices being as unbelievable as they are, every little thing you can do at home to make your own food really helps.

So today we harvested some of the garden!!!
Radishes and Strawberries!
Of course these were quickly devoured.

Asparagus lightly steamed -just slightly underdone so they retain some crunchiness.  Added a touch of butter.

Then placed the raw radishes on top.  

I'd say it was a success.  Although this boy also eats asparagus raw if given the chance.  
I just thought the spaghetti method of eating it was so cute!

The asparagus was from my CSA (community supported agriculture) delivery from Thursday!

Tomorrow will be kale and strawberry salads all day.  I have so much kale to go through!!!

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