Monday, June 23, 2014

Holding a great garage sale! Steps 1-5

So its been a rather busy summer so far. Last week and this week will be even busier.

This week I'm having a garage sale.

It's going to be huge!

Not only am I working on minimalizing my house, I've actually convinced my dad to get rid of some of things collecting dust in his house as well.   Everyone knows "man stuff" sells really well at garage sales.

So step 1: pick a date.

I decided to have mine this week due to the fact that there is a huge neighborhood across a few blocks away having their neighborhood garage sale.  (Their HOA organized it).

I'm going to try to get some of their traffic.

Step 2:  Collect your stuff!

Go through the kids rooms and declutter!  We put all my son's toys into trash bags, took them downstairs and sorted them in the living room. Everything that stayed he had to put away right away.
Whatever was left goes in the sale.  Of course he can use the toy proceeds to buy more skylanders!  Extra incentive for getting rid of stuff!

Step 3: Clean the stuff!   If its dusty, clean it off!  You'll get a better price that way.  If it looks treasured, it will be treasured.  If it looks like junk, don't be surprised if it doesn't sell.

Step 4:  Advertise!!!!!!!
I've advertised in the paper before, but this time I"m trying the digital route.
I'm going to post on craigslist, and facebook.  Not only on my page, but we have a local garage sale / personal items selling group on facebook that I'll give a shout out to.  That should help circulation.

Step 5: Coffee!  Its going to take an investment of time to get this done, so work away.  Put in the extra hours, it'll be worth it for the extra money.

So this is how far I am today, more posts and steps as I go along!

I would show a picture of my garage, but its so stocked full of stuff (aka messy) I'm too embarrassed to show that :)

So instead.... a giraffe doing yoga!


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