Thursday, June 5, 2014

CSA Today! 6-5-14

Once again, my weekly delivery of veggies is here!

Doesn't it look scrumptious?!

From the farm:
Kohlrabi, spinach, cucumbers, strawberries, cilantro

From Wholesale: blueberries, pears, apples, cucumbers, green peppers, carrots

I've never used kohlrabi before, so this will be an adventure!

More kale! I'm going to be so healthy!  Salads, salads, salads.  What's even better, throw some goat cheese and berries on top and its extra good. :)

I'm so happy the spinach came in, I was out of spinach since my last delivery.  I prefer spinach mixed into my kale salad.
Hosta flower just for some decoration :)
Using up all these veggies in inventive ways is a challenge.  For instance, there's only so many ways I can envision using bell peppers.  And I had so many of them, they are quietly going bad in my refrigerator.  I couldn't even give them away fast enough.  One such recipe was some sweet potato, cherry tomatoes, chicken and quinoa I threw together into a casserole weeks ago.  I didn't write about it ( I don't think), because I didn't think it was that good. Just another food experiment.  Well today I pulled it out of the freezer for a super fast dinner... and wow, did it hit the spot!  I guess it just needed to sit.  So you never know how it will turn out, just give it a try and save the extras for later for a cheap and fast meal!  This is why I invested in a standing freezer.  I don't know where I'd put it all if it weren't' for that.

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