Monday, March 10, 2014

What's holding you back?

Happy Monday to all, and hope you set your clocks. 

I know that typically makes the Monday after the time change very difficult.   This post is not so much about the time change, but what its called.  Spring forward.  This is to help us remember how to turn the clocks in the various seasons.

I'll admit, if it weren't for this, I would definitely forget. :)

But think more on those words, spring forward, take a leap. 

If you could do anything in the world, money is no object, what would it be?

Painting, writing, or exactly what you're doing?

So often, there are things that we want to do, but don't do. But why?


Fear is what holds you back. Nothing more or less.

Fear of what if I'm not good enough?  (This is often disguised as "common sense")
Fear of other obligations. (Disguised as "being practical")
Fear of other responsibilities (AKA "being broke and having other bills")

But fear shouldn't hold you back.
Yoga Giraffe isn't afraid 

If you want to do something, then do it.   It may not mean you'll make a living off it.  But you can do it nonetheless.   Just make time for it.

As a mom, I have lots of obligations and responsibilities.  So lots of fears.  Fears that are constantly being reinforced by my family or friends as good-hearted advice.

I once went through some training, where they emphasized "Getting rid of Head Trash".  All those little fears that you tell yourself and help to stand in your way.

So take a leap, do something you always dreamed of doing. You may have to take small steps in the beginning.

Like me, I love to travel. "That's expensive, you don't have time for that" the fears tell me.
"What if your car breaks down?"
Reasonable worries, but not a reason not to be true to your dreams.

So, I arrange for a weekend free, and then go from there.
I took a map and tried to find how far I could travel within 5-6 hours (for that's all the driving I wanted to do by myself).  I debated all week what direction to travel.
I decided upon Niagara Falls.

I saved myself money by staying in a hostel.  It was a wonderful, safe experience.  I could have also camped.  But the hostel was a proper bed and shower and at a wonderful price. I stayed at ACBB Hostel on the Canadian side of Niagara.  The owner was informative and gave me sightseeing information that was exactly what I was searching for.  It really helped make my impromptu travel experience all that much more richer.

After I quieted those fears, my love of travel grew.  I'm already planning my next trip, this time with my son in tow.

Making time, and overcoming my fear of not enough money. I found a way to follow my passion.

If you truly are passionate about something, you'll find a way.

Yes I still have to work my job. But one weekend of travel for a lifetime memory.

If your passion is to paint, but can't afford expensive oils or canvas... simple paper and watercolors work.

Photography?  Find a cheap camera and work on your composition.

Writing, get a small notebook  and pencil and write.  You don't have to publish right away for you to work on your art. Just do it.

Take the Leap.

So this Spring, Leap Forward, take a chance, at being happy!

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