Tuesday, March 11, 2014


As we grow up, we feel the weight of adulthood, and we grow serious.
Suddenly we have to teach the younger generation how to behave, how to do things.
But why should we have any less fun?
Love this from XKCD.com

Didn't we always dream of being the grown ups when we were kids?

We've forgotten how to play, how to have fun.

Its important to get back to basics.  Pick an activity and PLAY! :)

Go to a local park and go down the slide.  Pick up a video game and have at it for an hour.

Better yet, if you have children, include them.

My son tonight wanted to play the latest rage in video games, Skylanders.  He made sure to specify that he wanted me to play with him.  So, after dinner, we put in the game and played until his bed time.  Dishes sat undone on the counter until I can get to them later.

Some things are more important than work meetings, laundry, even dirty dishes.

Looking back, when you're 80, do you wish you had more time to do dishes? Or more time to spend with loved ones playing and having fun.

Studies have even shown that play improves creativity and productivity in adults.  Partly from the physical activity (which is always good for adults), and partly for the joy of play.  It makes us happy.

Make sure that its not all competitive either, just playing for the playing sake is the best reward.

If you have kids, include them; go to the park, get outside if its nice, or enjoy a night in with a kid-friendly board game.

If you're without kids, go to a laser tag, or get a kid-friendly board game (simpler the better!)

The point is to really relax and sit back and enjoy.

So, now I'm making more of a point to enjoy my time playing with my son (especially since he's at the age where he wants me to join in).

Never too busy to play with a child.

“Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.” 
― Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

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