Thursday, March 20, 2014

CSA Today! 3/20/2014

I'm certainly excited about my CSA shipments!

I had a family function tonight, so as we're getting home late, I didn't get to cook anything with my shipment tonight.  I'll cook something tomorrow and post the recipe.
I'll also include a recipe for some jam I made on Wednesday.  I've certainly  been a busy beaver mom this week.

But just a list of what was in the box:

*  Broccoli
* Kale (yum)
* Another full bag of delicious spinach
* Green onions
* 4 Green Peppers
* Tomatoes
* Onion
* 4 pears
* Grapes
* 2 squashes
* A bunch of radishes
* A whole bunch of sunchokes :)

The spinach was wonderful!  And of course all of this food is organic. I'm loving this, but so glad I got the small box!  I don't know how I'll keep up, guess I need to do more cooking.  I wonder if sunchokes freeze well.
I still have tomatoes, green peppers, cucumber, mango and bananas left over from last week.

So what's made me so busy this week that I totally forgot to post yesterday?  Well for one thing I had a personal stress issue which I won't air on here, but I will say, Never let yourself be a victim to fear.  If you realize you are a victim of fear, get angry and make the fear go away.... unless its a spider. It's ok to be afraid of spiders. :)
"Any guy can seem cool on a motorcycle, but if you really want to know what kind of man you've got, watch him walk through a spider web."

Second thing is, Spring Break is next week, and I'm prepping for a small trip that my son and I are taking.  :) More details after we return! And of course tons of pictures.

So tomorrow's post will include Jam recipe, and something from the CSA box of yumminess.


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