Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Short-cuts

As every mom knows (or will know eventually) shortcuts are a mom's best friend.

Little magical time saving tidbits that can give you a few precious moments of peace, or more time with your children.

So tonight's message is this:  Don't be afraid of shortcuts.

Although I aim for all organic food on the table, I recognize that somethings are innocent enough to stray from my path.

For example:  Wednesdays are hectic in our household.  After school Aiden has tutoring, then yoga, which gets us home by 6 pm for dinner and then bed at 7.  So very little quality time, especially since I'm the one doing the running and cooking :).

So tonight, I had some meat in the crock pot, and opened a bag of garlic instant mashed potatoes, and steam fresh microwaveable mixed veggies.

*  Instant mashed potatoes with garlic - an under estimated wonder
*  Microwaveable steamed veggies - A staple of almost every single meal (either pre-packaged or cut up veggies in those ziploc steam bags)

  In a matter 5 minutes I had dinner on the table, and that much more time to spend with my son reading before bed.  I know I'm trying to go low-tech but I really utilize my microwave to the point of  I don't know what I would do without it.

Have extra time to stop and smell the tulips :)

So no, the meal wasn't organic, but that little shortcut saved me 1/2 an hour.

Find the little shortcuts in your life that help save  you time  and devote that time and energy to something you love.  It could be reading, loved ones, a craft.  Whatever you really enjoy.

On another note:  I should get my first delivery of fresh veggies and fruits from the CSA tomorrow.  I'll make sure to take pictures and post them on here. Then I will probably post recipes as least once a week, that involved utilizing those veggies. :)

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