Thursday, August 7, 2014

CSA Today! 8-7-14

This is the first year of having the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) service.  My box of fresh veggies every week delivered to my house is a wonderful sight.

The biggest challenge to overcome, is somehow using them all up before they go bad.

I've managed to freeze, plant, give away or use most of the veggies.  However, some have managed to go bad before I can get to them.

This latest delivery of more peppers and even more tomatoes, wow. Definitely have to make salsa tomorrow, or else I'm going to have a load of rotten veggies on my hands.

One of the tomatoes I received today was as big as a softball, no kidding!
You can see the softball sized tomato in the middle, directly above the squash.
Fresh from the farm: Peppers (not sure how hot), Tomatoes (tons of them- you can see 3 boxes of them inside the picture), squash, onions, dill, carrots, corn, potatoes, beans, and watermelon!

So tomorrow's feature:  Salsa Recipe!

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