Friday, August 15, 2014

CSA Today! 8-14-14

It's a wonderful thing that my son loves tomatoes! Seriously, he eats them like you would eat an apple.

This week's delivery was full of tomatoes!

Fresh from the farm this week:  4 boxes of tomatoes, some green peppers, corn, a beautiful zucchini, green beans and a watermelon.

From wholesale: bananas and a few apples.

Then of course I just returned from a short trip to North Carolina and visited a fabulous state run farmer's market.  There I acquired, fresh peaches, blueberries, cantaloupe, and figs.

I have no idea what to do with figs..... I've never had them outside of a fig newton.  But they are fascinating little fruits. I foresee a fig recipe in the future.

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