Thursday, February 2, 2017

Forbearance February 2017

Happy Ground Hog Day!
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No shadows here!!! 

Once again its time for The Busy Beaver Mom to participate in Forbearance February.
For those just tuning in.... why give up something for a whole month? Just to see if I can do it!  Of course I pick the shortest month though.

In the past I've given up Facebook, chocolate, and coffee.... this year I'm doing something truly challenging.


I gave up cable TV years ago.  We weren't watching the tons of programs we were DVRing, and we were just too busy in the BusyBeaver household to be home when the shows we wanted to watch were on.

So now we have Netflix and Amazon Prime, which is what I'll be giving up. (I hear a "Noooooooo" from the background as my son laments my decision.)

This affects him as well.  Usually we are watching one of his favorite programs during dinner.  My giving up television programs takes away his only screen time during the week.

Now, I won't take away his screen time all together, as little as he gets. He'll still be able to play video games and Skype via the Xbox with his cousin in North Carolina.  The last Skype was 5 hours long.
How 2 nine year old boys can talk about Lego figures for 5 hours is beyond me.

Now, I love having the TV on in the background as I clean or do other tasks.  It livens up an otherwise quiet household. Of course quiet household  is subjective between the dogs barking and the cats growling and hissing at the kitten, but you get my point.

So goodbye Netflix and plethora of DVDs, I'll see you in March.

So what will I be doing instead of watching TV?

Let's see, catching up on my reading in my newly organized reading nook. 
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I love my inherited chair!

Or work on some crocheting and knitting. 
Image may contain: cat and indoor
Here's Shadow, the kitten I found in the road. 
Getting bigger every day and loves to interfere with my knitting and crocheting. 
 String and moving sticks are so much fun!

Maybe spend my time designing another tattoo. 
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Yes that's a real tattoo.  I designed it last year. 

There are tons of things I should do during the day/weekends that are neglected due to me spending my free time with "Netflix and Chill". Don't be fooled, Netflix and Chill for me is sweatpants, a couch, and total vegging out. When I actually get the time to relax. 

So maybe my garden planning will get done sooner. Or maybe I'll post more frequent updates on the blog. 
The possibilities are endless ;)

Speaking of possibilities, how are those New Year's resolutions going? If you want to work out more, but don't think its fun.... check out this card game my friend developed.  Give CardFit a try! 

Maybe I'll even start working out in my extra no TV time!

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