Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trip to Puerto Rico- Part 1

Puerto Rico: Part 1 – the prep work

It’s no secret that I love to travel. I love seeing new places.  I love to absorb the local culture around me.  So when I was given the opportunity to go to Puerto Rico, of course I said Yes.  I can hardly contain my excitement as I count down the days.

Part of the excitement for me is the research and planning.  I look up online all the info I can about my destination. This is so 1) I don’t look like a tourist too much 2) I know if there’s anything I definitely don’t want to miss while there.  Also it pays to be prepared for any weather situation (says the inner girl scout in me).

It’s a fine line to balance between being prepared for anything and being a minimalistic packer. An eternal struggle.  I especially dislike checking luggage. I want to get on and off the plane and head towards my destination, no waiting around for the luggage to come out.  That is why I’ll be using carry-on only.

Now, I’m very particular. I don’t do wheeled carry-on, or the hard sided things. I want something that will fit in the overhead bin easily and then just throw over my shoulder and get on my way.  After much research (and deciding that my little hiking daypack wasn’t going to cut it) I decided on the Osprey Porter 30L, in bright red.  As my big sister always said “You want your luggage so you can see it walking away”.

(Yes the picture looks orange, but its really more reddish.)

Between the reviews and the general description it looked like everything I wanted in travel luggage. It’s a backpack style carry-on, without wheels. It has side handles so you can carry it like a suitcase, plus the backpack straps tuck away.  The biggest perk for me was the way it opens up all the way like luggage.  This way you can get to exactly what you want without digging through the backpack. This also means that once at my destination I can just set the bag on a chair and open it wide, leaving the clothes in the bag.

As to what to pack for Puerto Rico. I did extensive research for this, as I will be coming from Ohio in wintertime and heading to a tropical island. With Highs in the 80’s and lows in the 70’s to upper 60’s, I really won’t need bulky warm clothing (Plus!). 
So a general idea of what I’m packing for 5 days in Puerto Rico…..
·         1 pair of jeans (for the traveling there and back)
·         1 pair of shorts
·         2 dresses (1 casual, 1 a little nicer)
·         3-4 pairs of shoes - I'm having trouble deciding between sandals
·         3-4 shirts
·         2 swim suits
·         1 pair pajamas (tank and shorts)
·         Winter jacket and buff infinity scarf

Now, the jeans are to keep warm during travel, and in case of a chilly night.  If this were merely a casual trip to a beach island I could probably reduce this list down even more, but I’ll be attending a wedding, hence the nicer dress and extra pair of shoes.  So I’ve packed 1 dress to wear over my swimsuit on the way to the beach and 1 dress to wear to the wedding. (last minute addition of my favorite beach hemp skirt- very casual)

Shoes, now I’m not a big shoe person.  I’m packing 2 pairs of dressy sandals for the wedding.  The rest of the time I’ll either be at the beach (no shoes required) or site seeing (sturdy walking shoes required).  In my past trips I’ve gotten along fine in my VFFs (Vibram Five Fingers) shoes. I did a hike in Niagara and toured NY City  in my VFF speeds.  So I think these can handle anything Puerto Rico throws at me.  White toe shoes don’t look very nice with a dress and are difficult to get on after swimming with sand.  So I’ll be taking my kigo mary janes, nice easy slip on/off shoes.

Really, since I’m only going to be gone 4-5 days, 3 shirts are plenty.  Basic, plain shirts can carry off multiple looks. And seriously, I don’t need to do laundry unless I’m spilling sauce down my front every day. (Like that has ever happened ;)  ) Don’t be squeamish, you can wear a shirt for multiple days before it’s “dirty”. I've decided on tanks with built-in bras so I don't have to worry about those.
Tossing in a couple soft t-shirts in case I need to cover up a bit ( too much sun anyone?)

A swim suit is a necessity, 2 is just a convenience.  As far as undergarments go… I love exofficio.  Their items are sink washable and dry quickly.  So you can travel with only 2 pairs of underwear! Not saying that I'm doing that, but it's a minimalist dream.

Winter coat is a must as I’ll be coming from wintery Ohio.  This can be folded up and act as a pillow later. The grey Buff infinity scarf is a favorite. I can wrap it around my head to keep warm or open it up as a shoulder cover in case it gets cool in PR.  Such a multifunctional piece.

Really that’s it as far as clothes go. Easy-Peasy.
Other items that are packed (cuz who really just takes clothes?)

Toiletries (darn those liquids)
· Quart sized ziplock bag (for TSA)
     o   Shower gel (yes I could use soap, but I like my girly smelly stuff)
     o   Lotion (we know I’m gonna get burned)o   Tiny travel perfume (gotta be fancy for the wedding you know)
·  Dry travel shampoo (found this great camping/biodegradable shampoo/conditioner packets!!)
· Toothbrush/Toothpaste (wait! Why isn’t the toothpaste with the liquids?
      o   Well, great question…. The toothpaste tablets are dry! Just crunch and add water.
·   Razor (I’ll be sporting a swimsuit, I don’t want to look like a yeti)
·    Make up: keepin’ it really simple here, I’m not into tons of makeup anyway. And seriously I'm only bringing makeup because of the wedding.

     o   Eyeliner
     o   Blush
     o   Base (not that I’ll really use it if I’ve gotten sun)
     o   Lip balm (awesome sparkly lip balm from Joshua Tree- Desert Shimmers)

·         Accessories/Jewelry 
     o   Comb – I’m lucky my hair is short enough I can get by with a comb instead of brush.
     o   Sunglasses
     o   Miniature Altoids Tin (the really small ones - great for carrying jewelry)
          -  2-3 simple yet nice silver necklaces
          - 2 pairs of earrings
           - A couple hair clips/bobby pins to do my hair for the wedding.

I’ve found that really, you’re not going to accessorize that much, so keep it simple.  Especially with a beach, I’m not wearing jewelry there.

“WAIT!!! What about sunscreen? You’ll burn to a CRISP!”

I plan on buying that there, I figure I’ll need so much that it won’t pass the 3 oz liquid standard for carry-on and I refuse to check luggage for stupid sunscreen. Besides, its not like I’m going into the middle of nowhere. They have sunscreen.

Other items that I feel are a necessity (for me at least)
·  Camera – just a really nice point and click (Nikon P7100), not my big camera and big lens.
·  Cell Phone
·  Charger for said phone
· SD card (maybe 2) for camera
· Notebook/pen – for writing when I’m bored.
·  Book for reading. I have a decent length layover
·  Passport/driver’s license and copies – even though Puerto Rico is like being in the US, just going to take it to prevent any delays getting through security.
·   Deck of cards. (never know when you’ll strike up a thrilling game of solitaire or go fish with a stranger)
·  Travel purse (something small for the necessities)
·  Sling bag for shopping (something bigger than my purse) to carry items to the beach and/or shopping.
·  Towel set – so I’m really excited about this…. I just bought the Wildhorn Outfitters Best Travel Towel Bundle.  The bundle is 3 microfiber camping towels.  What does that mean? Well they are super thin, super absorbent towels. The extra large is big enough for me to use as a beach towel to lay on, the middle towel I can use to dry off with.  Both towels folded up and packed are about the size of a good book, MUCH smaller than a normal beach towel all wrapped up!!!!!!!! This is perfect for a minimalist like me, and truthfully something I’ve been meaning to buy for some while now to take camping.  While there are other towels that are just as good out there, what drew me to this bundle was that the whole bundle was the same price as just 1 towel from other brands.  So to me, totally worth trying (after reading lots of reviews about how wonderful they were. )  Hey a girl’s gotta do her research ;)

Yes, all of this will fit eloquently into my carry-on. Only 50 total items for 5 days of travel. Not bad. (I counted the jewelry as individual items as well.

This picture shows the general amount of stuff I'm taking. What is not pictured is the dress I"m wearing to the wedding (it's hanging, attempting to remove some wrinkles.) and my long grey hemp skirt that I love to wear when at the beach.

Now another trick I do is to pack everything in ziploc bags. The gallon size is wonderful for a couple of shirts or a few pair of shorts. I squeeze the air out of them then zip them shut. This makes them compress down and are more efficient in packing.  Not to mention protection in case the bag gets wet or I have to transfer wet clothes anywhere.

I've also added a hat, to protect me from the sun when walking around.

As you can see from the pictures, this all fit wonderfully!

Now how does this apply to my travel plans?  As I’m going as a guest to a wedding, the big part of my trip is attending the wedding. Other than that, I really don’t have any firm plans as to what I’ll be doing.  I love to plan things that I might want to do, but once I get there I go with the flow.  Things (after researching) that I definitely want to do:

·         See Old San Juan (and take a selfie where Agent Coulson –from SHIELD was when they filmed there)
·         Beach time (that’s a given)
·         Very possibly go see El Yungue National Forest: The United States’ only tropical rainforest.
·         General site seeing and shopping

Other things that would be nice to see:
·         Zoo (cuz that’s the kind of girl I am)
·         Bioluminescent Bay – I’d really like to see this, but doubt I’ll get to due to how short a time I’m there… next time. :)

Everything on my list is suitable to all of the above activities.   Keep posted for Part 2, my review of my travels!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday Supper- turkey, sweet potatoes, and onions

I'm attempting a new segment in this blog.  Since I'm not getting a CSA this year.... just too many vegetables and too few people, I need something to try to focus on weekly.  Many of those CSA vegetables ended up in my compost pile or freezer, yet to be used.

I attempt every week, to go Meatless on Monday.  This helps reduce my impact environmentally as a omnivore. If everyone went meatless one day a week, we could reduce our carbon footprint greatly.
** I must say that this makes my vegetarian/vegan friends very happy **   :)

I don't eat a ton of meat anyway, as I believe in normal portions, not American Supersized portions.
I do make sure I get meat on Sunday though since I'm meatless on Monday.  This helps to reduce my cravings. (That's my theory and I'm going with it.)

Tonight's menu: Jerk Ground Turkey, Spiced Sweet Potatoes, and Fig Onions.

This new venture will show what I cook every Sunday - most often using just what I have available in my kitchen at any one time.  It's cold in Ohio in February, I don't feel like going out after I get home. 

I also have the most time to cook on Sundays (usually) since my son is at his father's house on Sunday.

So with out more explanation, let me introduce my cooking team.  

Kira:  The Supervisor

When Magi passed this past October, the hole in my life was filled by 2 dogs.... Kira and Sparky.
Kira, is a beagle/border collie mix.  So her nose commands her brain.  In fact, she is supervising my blog writing (as seen in the picture) because it gets her closer to my plate of food.


Sparky: Personal Assistant

Sparky is a border collie/whippet/fox terrier mix.  He never leaves me alone, except when he eats or goes outside.  Seriously, he follows me everywhere.

I spend so much time kicking them both out of the kitchen.

 Tonight, after perusing a few cookbooks, I look at what I have:
*  Boiler onions (small onions that were on sale a couple weeks ago)
*  Ground Turkey (3 tubes of this in my freezer)
*  Sweet Potato and shallots

So most of my inspiration came from Cooking with Herbs and Spices .

Jerk Turkey, Spiced Sweet Potatoes, Fig Onions

I cooked 1 tube of ground turkey with a touch of olive oil (about 1 tablespoon) and a good helping of Jamaican jerk seasoning.  I buy my jerk seasoning pre-made at a local bulk store, but there are many recipes online to make your own.  The basic elements are garlic, cayenne pepper, onion powder, thyme, parsley, sugar, salt paprika, allspice, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon.  (I'll freeze the rest of the cooked turkey for taco night. :)  )

I quartered 4 boiler onions, and boiled them in some white wine ( about 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup). When the wine had almost boiled completely off, I added about 1 teaspoon of homemade fig jelly.  Let this melt and blend with with the onions and caramelize just a bit. ** Note: this should cook the onions adequately.**

I peeled and chopped 1 sweet potato into cubes.   In a saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon of butter mixed with a splash (about 2-3 tablespoons) of olive oil. Fry the cubes until barely soft.  I also added 1 sliced shallot.   After they are soft, add 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon allspice, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.  Stir well to incorporate flavors and cook for 2-3 minutes more. 

I then put the sweet potato into the oven at 375 because I needed the space on my stove to cook the other parts of my meal.  Just check frequently to make sure it doesn't burn.  Or turn off the oven and let it just keep everything warm.  I was trying to toast the sweet potato just a bit more to add some crunch. 

In the end... the turkey was spicy as expected.  I love Jamaican Jerk.  It's a savory blend of spice and subtlety (sorry I've been watching cooking shows on Netflix).  

The sweet potato and shallots was sweet and perfect. A taste like roasted root vegetables, which balanced out the spiciness of the turkey.

The onions turned out a bit surprising.  I expected a more caramelized and sweet flavor.  I got more of a vinaigrette flavor, with a tang to it.  I think if I added more jelly and let it caramelize a bit more I would get that sweet flavor.  It mixed well with the savory and sweet balance I had going on the plate.

I don't follow recipes well, so every dinner is an experiment. Tonight's experiment went well I think. 

The dinner was delicious with balanced flavors, complimented with a pinot grigio.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Forbearance February 2015

Well, February is here again. As it is the shortest month I try to give up something just to see if I can. This year it's coffee and Facebook. So as I sit here drinking my tea, I revel in the absence of super bowl shout outs and debate. No I didn't watch it, I was curled up on the couch relaxing with agents of shield from my Netflix. I feel slightly uninformed of the goings on of the world, but then I just pop over to my BBC news app and all is well.
So happy groundhog day and I'll be huddled around my warm tea on this cold day, quietly ignoring Facebook's messages and pleas to come see the posts I'm missing!
Disclaimer though I will access Facebook for cub scout activities and keeping updated on a local police dog that is missing.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy 2015!

Welcome 2015!

It's been a rough few months as I adjust back to the 7-5 grind of a full time job after being unemployed for 7 months. Some ups and downs this year and I'm ready to move onto 2015.

Lessons I've learned from 2014:
* Write drunk, edit sober
* Love everyday
* You never know when something you love will be taken away (lost my dog in October to sudden cancer) :(
* Roll with the punches (skunking from July and lost my full time job)
* Look for the bright side ( got to spend lots of quality time with my son this summer due to being unemployed)


Some goals I've decided to set for this year (which is surprisingly quite  a few.... how am I going to keep track of all these?):

* Publish 1 book (which really I'm pretty close to doing- if I can get over my fear of illustrating)
* Enter 2 writing contests ( I would love to win, but hey at least entering is awesome)
* Get in shape (not lose weight, but regain some strength I've lost over the years)
* Heal my shoulder (nasty little tendonitis.....)
* Be better at budget (actually build a savings account)
* Continue to go camping more
* Restart this blog (whoo hooo first step of accomplishing something!)
* Sell my photography (which I'm kinda close to, I have it exhibited in Columbus, Ohio and have a reservation at a local restaurant in July to hang my art.)
* Write everyday - this was inspired by a quote I saw..... " Tomorrow is the first blank page in a 365 page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley
* Look Forward (and don't look back at 2014)

*Simplify my life (building on wanting to become a minimalist)
          - My goal is to get rid of 15 things a week (originally it was going to be 15 a day, but that was proving impossible )

So here are the 15 (actually 23) things I'm getting rid of this week.  This is as I go through and clean my house. If you do the math, that's a minimum of 780 things this year I'll get rid of.  Every bit helps.

not a ton of stuff.... but every bit helps.

Why 15 you ask? Simple..... its 2015.

So celebrate every day and spread love. Happy 2015.

Goodbye my beloved Magi.  Your time was too short.