Thursday, September 11, 2014

CSA Today! 9-11-14

So, I'm guilty.  Guilty of being lazy and letting some of my wonderful veggies go bad.  I've had to throw out 2 little boxes full of tomatoes, because I just couldn't get to them fast enough.  I have even more tomatoes in today's delivery though.  I should be able to use these up. I see more freezer tomato paste in the future. 

Not to mention something with bell peppers in it.

Fresh from the Farm: Tomatoes (LOADS of them), green peppers, gourd, banana peppers, fresh dill and some kind of small dark green melon (watermelon?)

From wholesale: some bananas, and apples!

I at least did manage to use up some zucchini this week!  

I also came up with an ingenious way to get rid of excess veggies!  I had a garage sale last week, and was able to get rid of 3 ziploc bags full of potatoes!  So managed to get rid of veggies I couldn't eat and make money off them at the same time!  I believe the buyer was going to make potato salad.  I should have done that with my tomatoes. :)

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