Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy 2015!

Welcome 2015!

It's been a rough few months as I adjust back to the 7-5 grind of a full time job after being unemployed for 7 months. Some ups and downs this year and I'm ready to move onto 2015.

Lessons I've learned from 2014:
* Write drunk, edit sober
* Love everyday
* You never know when something you love will be taken away (lost my dog in October to sudden cancer) :(
* Roll with the punches (skunking from July and lost my full time job)
* Look for the bright side ( got to spend lots of quality time with my son this summer due to being unemployed)


Some goals I've decided to set for this year (which is surprisingly quite  a few.... how am I going to keep track of all these?):

* Publish 1 book (which really I'm pretty close to doing- if I can get over my fear of illustrating)
* Enter 2 writing contests ( I would love to win, but hey at least entering is awesome)
* Get in shape (not lose weight, but regain some strength I've lost over the years)
* Heal my shoulder (nasty little tendonitis.....)
* Be better at budget (actually build a savings account)
* Continue to go camping more
* Restart this blog (whoo hooo first step of accomplishing something!)
* Sell my photography (which I'm kinda close to, I have it exhibited in Columbus, Ohio and have a reservation at a local restaurant in July to hang my art.)
* Write everyday - this was inspired by a quote I saw..... " Tomorrow is the first blank page in a 365 page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley
* Look Forward (and don't look back at 2014)

*Simplify my life (building on wanting to become a minimalist)
          - My goal is to get rid of 15 things a week (originally it was going to be 15 a day, but that was proving impossible )

So here are the 15 (actually 23) things I'm getting rid of this week.  This is as I go through and clean my house. If you do the math, that's a minimum of 780 things this year I'll get rid of.  Every bit helps.

not a ton of stuff.... but every bit helps.

Why 15 you ask? Simple..... its 2015.

So celebrate every day and spread love. Happy 2015.

Goodbye my beloved Magi.  Your time was too short.